Welcome to Atelier Kokona!

This is mostly a personal page about my OCs and interests, and it is still very much a WiP. Construction will take a while, because I have little knowledge about website building and just figure things out as I go. There are certain things I'd like to achieve here, half of them rather silly. But I'm done with restricting myself to whatever might be "marketable", so I don't see why I shouldn't go full OC obsession + full weeb.

For now, these are the things I'll prioritize:

  • Main page layout, because this place is lacking absolutely everything from a proper header to buttons...
  • Gallery page, starting with the OCs I have worked with the most in recent months/years.
  • "Midnight Study", a page about mystery stuff. There are plenty of games from that genre I'd like to play.
  • "Sanagi244", which is... you'll see. Let's just say that it's a page focused on one of my fav OCs, who happens to be a cute gamer boy.